ESL program

Required English proficiency

Students must meet a certain standard of English before gaining admission to the North Toronto Christian School program. A student's reading and writing skill level may affect their grade placement. All students are required to complete grade 12 English and pass the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test in order to graduate.

The level of English proficiency of any student applicant is very important. It is critical for a student to have English skills that will enable them to participate fully while attending classes with English students. Each international student will complete the NTCS Online English Assessment as part of the application process. Depending on the results of this assessment, the student may be required to take English as a Second Language courses instead of the regular academic English classes.

Our program

Our ESL program is designed to teach English to international students to a level that will prepare them for the academic program at NTCS and for successful university study when they graduate. These courses emphasize the importance of speaking and listening skills and vocabulary development, along with the reading and writing skills necessary for the academic subjects. Instruction is also given in social studies, history, and geography.

Extracurricular activities are a large part of every student's life at North Toronto Christian School. Therefore, all international students are encouraged to get involved in the teams and clubs at NTCS. Additionally, students are introduced to Canadian culture and lifestyle. The program at the Chandos Outdoor Education Centre in northern Ontario and school trips in and around Toronto expose students to the diversity of Canadian life.